
Major Press

Independent Publishing

The Emblem for Fortuna Major Press. It is an illustrative collage of two white hands caressing the moon. Three stars shine above the hands with a navy background. The image is surrounded in a golden patterned border.

Fortuna Major Press publishes the work of emerging and established healers, visionaries, organizers, artists, storytellers, and cultural catalysts because creativity is a powerful form of resistance to cultures of oppression.



Fortuna Major Press offers more than just publishing; it offers a platform for creative visions to flourish and stories to catalyze us toward a more just, liberated world. 

  • Open calls for submissions across a vast array of disciplines and subjects. Fiction, non-fiction, poetry, visual art, scholarly works, and the genre-flux

  • Disrupting the status quo by offering new life to previously published works

  • Nurturing the voices and perspectives of marginalized creatives

  • Partnering with values-aligned organizations and businesses for authentic distribution and promotion

Fortuna Major Press exists to cultivate collective power. Power works through shaping narratives. Narratives shape our communities. Our communities shape us. 

Connect with FMP.

1 Cottage St, Suite #518
Easthampton, MA 01027


When we create together,

we conjure greater fortune for all.