Fortuna Major Press

Submission Guidelines

  • What We Won't Publish

    This is not the platform for work rooted in domination, supremacy, and dismissal of collective pain. Any work that even remotely resembles white supremacy, ableism, ageism, classism, sexism, homophobia, racism, xenophobia, or appropriation will be denied.

    Fortuna Major Press recognizes the transformative power of the profane and grotesque, however, work that is violent for the sake of violence will not find a home here. This is especially true of sexual violence.

    Submissions with graphic content are encouraged to include potential warnings for viewers as well as provide additional reasoning for publication.

  • Previously Published Work & Simultaneous Submissions

    Many literary and arts journals do not consider previously published work (approximately 87%-91%, in fact). Here at Fortuna Major Press, we want to illuminate what is transformative — and what is transformative should not be limited to what hasn’t been seen before.

    We welcome previously published work and simultaneous submissions given it has the proper copyright to be (re)distributed. It is the responsibility of each individual to ensure they have the proper copyright before submitting and disclose any previous publications for each piece of submitted work.

  • Creative Rights & What To Expect Post Publication

    Fortuna Major Press does not seek First Serial Rights (the right to publish work first). Previously published work is welcome given the work has the proper copyright to be reprinted. It is the responsibility of each individual to ensure they have the proper copyright before submitting.

    If a piece you have submitted to any of our publishing opportunities is accepted elsewhere, you must notify Fortuna Major Press immediately with information about where/when even if the other publication is not seeking First Serial Rights. Failure to properly disclose and notify Fortuna Major Press of copyright information and changes will bar you from submitting again in the future, indefinitely.

    After publication, you retain the creative rights to your work. You can still publish your work in other places given it meets submission requirements. You will be credited by name in any case where your work is used by Fortuna Major Press (and by extension Astral Cherry Hearing Arts) for promotion of associated publications.

  • What Type Of Editing Happens After Acceptance & Feedback Opportunities

    Fortuna Major Press is frequently a home for genre-benders and boundary pushers, so each piece is treated as being completely unique.

    Keeping your authentic voice and vision is a priority in our editing process. For writers, you can anticipate minor copy edits as needed with the intent to make your piece the best it possibly can be. As for visual artists and photographers, we may ask you to resize your files upon acceptance to support formatting for our print and digital issues.

    Alongside this, Fortuna Major Press strives to notify all those who submit to our publications of their acceptance or rejection. In the case of rejections, we hope to offer genuine and constructive feedback so you can better understand our decision making process and make informed choices for submissions with us in the future.

  • AI Generated Content

    AI uses a vast array of intellectual property to generate “new” work without the consent of the humans whose work has been used as “inspiration”. At the same time, AI can be a significant accessibility tool at various stages of the creative process across mediums. While a consensus on the ethics and best practices of integrating AI in the creative process are being developed among artists, writers, creatives, programmers, and more it is the policy of Fortuna Major Press to not accept predominantly AI generated artwork or AI generated writing. Acceptance of AI-supported work is determined on a case by case basis.

    This policy will likely be in flux.

  • Submission Fees & Compensation

    To enable contributors from all backgrounds to participate in our publishing opportunities, Fortuna Major Press does not charge submission fees and never will.

    Unfortunately, at this time, Fortuna Major Press is unable to compensate those whose submissions are accepted. Being able to do is a priority for the development of FMP. As a publishing house being run by a disabled artist, it is a core belief that creatives should be paid for their work.

    In the interim, FMP is pursuing other ways to create financial accessibility such as not charging submission or publication fees and keeping creative rights in the hands of contributors.

Benefits of Publishing With FMP

  • To enable contributors from all backgrounds to participate in our publishing opportunities, Fortuna Major Press does not charge submission fees and never will.

    Let’s be honest: creators should not have to pay to play, yet this is becoming industry standard in the age of digital publishing. A small submission fee here and there might not sound like a big deal, but those fees add up — especially when so many people are already struggling to make ends meet.

    Fortuna Major Press exists to forge pathways for creatives to be recognized and celebrated in their respective fields regardless of financial capacity.

  • Many literary and arts journals do not consider previously published work (approximately 87%-91%, in fact). Here at Fortuna Major Press, we want to illuminate what is transformative — and what is transformative should not be limited to what hasn’t been seen before.

  • Fortuna Major Press offers more than just publishing, it offers a sense of belonging and community.

    When you’re published through Fortuna Major Press, you have the opportunity to join our growing international network of emerging and established healers, visionaries, organizers, artists, storytellers, and cultural catalysts. Offering exclusive, values-aligned Facebook & LinkedIn groups for collaboration, peer support, marketing, and more.

  • Fortuna Major Press partners with organizations and businesses that are aligned with our values. We want distribution networks that won’t sacrifice your authentic vision and voice.

  • Fortuna Major Press is owned and operated by a queer & disabled individual. When you publish and collaborate with FMP, you know that your creative work has found a home with someone who will treat it with respect and dignity regardless of your lived experience. It’s process over product, here. People over publications. Sometimes, that means that the pace of our work together is slow, but you can trust that it will be nurtured with sincerity and passion.