The Dreamweavers Project

The Dreamweavers Project

Nurture the autonomy, leadership, wisdom, and healing of queer, trans, and Two Spirit survivors through tarot, storytelling, community care rituals, peer support, and education.

RETURNING FALL 2024: The Dreamweavers Peer Support Group

During Pride Month 2023, The Dreamweavers Project hosted an art-based peer support group for queer, trans, and Two Spirit survivors of sexual assault & relationship violence. For 8 weeks, survivors met weekly at Survivor Arts Collective to make art, read tarot, and support each other.

Fortuna Major Creative Co. is proud to announce that this support group will return for 4 weeks on ZOOM in the fall of 2024. If you would like to be part of this group, please fill out our interest form. All information is sent directly to the facilitator, Lachlan, and will be deleted at the end of the group.

The Dreamweavers Project, and by extension this support group, has been made possible through the support & collaboration of:

Bloom Local, the Mass Cultural Council, the Northampton Arts Council, Community Engagement, and Survivor Arts Collective.


That Connect Us

Existing in the realm between folklore, myth, and our embodied realities The Dreamweavers exhibition (2023) is the culmination of 42 hours of interviews with queer, trans, and Two Spirit survivors of abuse, sexual violence, and relationship violence about their healing journeys and relationship to themselves. These stories were then collaboratively transformed into tarot cards using imagery and portraiture that is personally significant and emblematic of each survivors’ experience, identity, and insight.

The Dreamweavers exhibition invites you to explore how tarot can transform our relationships to each other and to our healing journeys.