
As a medium, tarot is a form of storytelling that has evolved and changed throughout the centuries – beginning as a card game and expanding into an occult tool imbued with many cultural lineages and traditions. It has been used for divination, reflection, personal transformation, ancestral connection, and survival among many other practices. Today, the stories of tarot are told in two sagas: the Minor and Major Arcana, with each saga being distinct and a simultaneous mirror of each other.

In this iteration of The Dreamweavers, our survivor stories are told through the lens of the Major Arcana – a cyclical tale of expansion and contraction as one moves through the stages of life. While each card represents an individual survivor with their own unique perspective, you will see their stories speak to each other and evolve; returning to and transforming their emotional experiences and questions with each new card.

In witnessing each of these survivors’ stories, it is my hope that you catalyse any insights or reflections you have into action for our collective liberation. Be creative in your response. Allow yourself to connect to what you feel. Listen to the parts of yourself that ache, that yearn for spaciousness, that dream of something new. Allow them to guide you closer to the places that feel connected, that inspire you, that feel full just as they are.

To cultivate a world without this type of violence and trauma, we must remember that we have all the tools. We must begin to feel their presence within ourselves and each other. We must begin to dream together.


The Empress