Get to know FMP’s current

Publishing Opportunities

The Catalyst

  • The Catalyst is a blog and community hub for the work of healers, organizers, artists, and other storytellers illuminating the interdisciplinary worlds of narrative change and creative organizing. 

    The Catalyst welcomes submissions of opinion articles, essays, interviews, short stories, creative writing, poetry, educational guides, project launch statements, and anything else you can put your imagination to that seeks to inspire collective change and personal transformation. 

    The Catalyst is open to contributions on a rolling basis. The Catalyst is particularly interested in highlighting the work of BIPOC, LGBTQ2S+, Disabled/Neurodivergent, and other multiply marginalized folks.

  • Yes! With a few stipulations.

    Please wait ~2 months between submissions of different content so The Catalyst can continue t.o highlight a wide array of work from as many people as possible.

    If you are an individual posting on behalf of an organization or collective, the 2 month period only applies between submissions for each org/collective. Please feel free to submit your own independent work, as well.

  • Yes!

    The Catalyst is meant to be a community hub for narrative change and creative organizing. This would not be possible without the involvement of community.

    Please use our flexible submission form to recommend a person, collective, organization, or project for a feature!

  • The Catalyst is a platform working toward a more just, liberated future. This is not the space for work rooted in domination, supremacy, and dismissal of collective pain.

    Any work that even remotely resembles white supremacy, ableism, ageism, classism, sexism, homophobia, racism, xenophobia, or appropriation will be denied.

The cover art for Queer/Trans Magic Magazine Issue #2: Luxuria. Oil on canvas painting by Christian Rieben, depicting a body engulfed by flora.


Magic Magazine

  • Queer/Trans Magic Magazine is a biannual print anthology project highlighting emerging creatives whose work explore, honor, and transform lineages of queer magic & resilience.

    Each iteration presents new questions to be considered by its contributors through a vast array of work. Short stories, personal essays, poetry, photography, visual artwork, educational guides, spellwork, and anything else that you can conjure up are welcome for this anthology series.

    Additionally, all selected contributors have the opportunity to be interviewed for a feature in The Catalyst — Fortuna Major Press’ community-driven blog and narrative hub.

    During our submission period for the next issue, you will find a link to our contributor form below. All other times, this link will take you to our store where you can purchase previously released issues.

  • Yes.

    Queer/Trans Magic’s first issue, Shapeshifting (published October 2023), was distinctly a zine anthology project. Shapeshifting was small, served a niche community interest, and less than 30 pages.

    However, Queer/Trans Magic’s subsequent issue, Luxuria, received a massive outpouring of submissions thanks to the branding Fortuna Major Press decided to undertake for increased outreach. Since the one of the goals of FMP is to create a pathway for emerging creatives to establish themselves within more traditional art and publishing scenes, Luxuria got promoted as both a zine and a magazine depending on the outlet.

    Looking into the future, it is possible that the scope and scale of the anthology project will change through time. Fortuna Major Press takes the stance that Queer/Trans Magic is genreflux, just like many of its contributors.

  • Submission periods for Queer/Trans Magic are open twice a year.

    The submission period for Issue $3, Mysterium, is June 1st - August 31st, 2024.

  • Queer/Trans Magic is an anthology project working toward a more just, liberated future. This is not the platform for work rooted in domination, supremacy, and dismissal of collective pain.

    Any work that even remotely resembles white supremacy, ableism, ageism, classism, sexism, homophobia, racism, xenophobia, or appropriation will be denied.

  • Are you a queer, trans, or Two Spirit artist or crafter? Or do you operate a small business, nonprofit, or collective? We want to highlight your work, too!

    Email with the subject line QT Magic Advertising Inquiry and we can chat options. Advertising is offered with flexible options on a sliding scale. Allies are welcome to advertise, too.

Photography of street art showing a person with a mask that reads "respect my existence or expect my resistance". Taken by Markus Spiske and distributed through Unsplash.

Ecstatic Resistance


  • Ecstatic Resistance Magazine is print anthology project and a creative home for healers, organizers, and catalysts for justice.

    Unlike The Catalyst blog, Ecstatic Resistance Magazine is open for submissions once or twice a year under a specific theme. Each iteration will present new questions to be considered by its contributors through a vast array of creative work. Protest art, event fliers, personal essays, educational guides, poetry, photography, visual artwork and anything else that you can dream up are welcome for this series.

    This magazine is designed with the foundational belief that no matter who we are or where we come from, our liberation is intertwined and that our resistance can be as joyful as the futures we imagine.

    During our submission period, you will find a link to our contributor form below. All other times, this link will take you to our store where you can purchase previously released issues.

  • Submission periods for Ecstatic Resistance Magazine are open once or twice a year.

    The submission period for the first issue is expected to close June 30th, 2024.

  • Ecstatic Resistance is an anthology project working toward a more just, liberated future. This is not the platform for work rooted in domination, supremacy, and dismissal of collective pain.

    Any work that even remotely resembles white supremacy, ableism, ageism, classism, sexism, homophobia, racism, xenophobia, or appropriation will be denied.

  • Ecstatic Resistance Magazine is meant to be a hub and platform to uplift the work of those who dream of a more just, liberated future.

    As such, you are encouraged to freely distribute digital editions of the magazine as you see fit.

    When you purchase copies of the magazine, 30% of the funds will go to specific organizations and mutual aid projects as listed for each issue.

    If you are an organization or collective that would like donated copies to distribute to your community, please contact with the subject line ER Magazine Community Distribution.

  • Ecstatic Resistance Magazine aims to support organizations and mutual aid projects that are directly working toward a more just, liberated future in a way that is aligned with the values of Astral Cherry Healing Arts and Fortuna Major Press.

    50% of the profits raised through distribution of the magazine will go toward such organizations and projects. The other 50% of profits will be used for: magazine development and distribution costs alongside website maintenance.

    The first issue of ER Magazine will donate funds to Middle East Children’s Alliance — MECA for Peace as well as Jewish Voice For Peace.

Shaping Narratives.

Invoking Power.

Benefits Of Publishing With

  • To enable contributors from all backgrounds to participate in our publishing opportunities, Fortuna Major Press does not charge submission fees and never will.

    Let’s be honest: creators should not have to pay to play, yet this is becoming industry standard in the age of digital publishing. A small submission fee here and there might not sound like a big deal, but those fees add up — especially when so many people are already struggling to make ends meet.

    Fortuna Major Press exists to forge pathways for creatives to be recognized and celebrated in their respective fields regardless of financial capacity.

  • Many literary and arts journals do not consider previously published work (approximately 87%-91%, in fact). Here at Fortuna Major Press, we want to illuminate what is transformative — and what is transformative should not be limited to what hasn’t been seen before.

  • Fortuna Major Press offers more than just publishing, it offers a sense of belonging and community.

    When you’re published through Fortuna Major Press, you have the opportunity to join our growing international network of emerging and established healers, visionaries, organizers, artists, storytellers, and cultural catalysts. Offering exclusive, values-aligned Facebook & LinkedIn groups for collaboration, peer support, marketing, and more.

  • Fortuna Major Press partners with organizations and businesses that are aligned with our values. We want distribution networks that won’t sacrifice your authentic vision and voice.

  • Fortuna Major Press is owned and operated by a queer & disabled individual. When you publish and collaborate with FMP, you know that your creative work has found a home with someone who will treat it with respect and dignity regardless of your lived experience. It’s process over product, here. People over publications. Sometimes, that means that the pace of our work together is slow, but you can trust that it will be nurtured with sincerity and passion.