Resources For Support
Creative Interventions Workbook
Creative Interventions provides vision, tools and resources to help anyone and everyone create community-based, collective responses to domestic, family, and sexual violence. The community based approach centers those closest to and most impacted by harm, honors their expertise, and builds collective knowledge and power as the solution to violence.
Project LETS
Project LETS builds peer support collectives, leads political education, develops new knowledge and language around mental distress, organizes and advocates for the liberation of our community members globally, and creates innovative, peer-led, alternatives to our current mental health system.
Survivor Arts Collective
Survivor Arts Collective is a trans and queer led collective providing art based support groups and peer counseling for all survivors. Working to nurture trauma informed care, bystander intervention, transformative justice community education, and grassroots community mutual aid.
Tender Fruits Collective
Tender Fruits Collective provides peer support spaces and land spaces that are all accessibility centered for Queer, Trans, Mad Sick, and Disabled, Survivors to heal, grow and learn in sacred containers made for and by Disabled babes, for our collective care.
Embark Foundation
The Embark Foundation’s mission is to provide support and services to survivors of sexual violence, intimate-partner violence, domestic violence, and child abuse. We fulfill this mission by providing funds for the adoption of a rescue animal and assuring ongoing support and care for both survivors and their furry friends.
FreeFrom creates tools, resources and environments to support survivors’ collective economic and community power. The FreeFrom team is made up of queer, trans, im/migrant, and BIPOC survivors.
The Network La Red / Hotline
The Network/La Red is a survivor-led, social justice organization that works to end partner abuse in lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, kink, polyamorous, and queer communities. Rooted in antioppression principles, our work aims to create a world where all people are free from oppression. We strengthen our communities through organizing, education, and the provision of support services.
StrongHearts Native Helpline
StrongHearts has become a lifeline to Native American and Alaska Natives impacted by domestic and sexual violence by offering a culturally-appropriate, anonymous and confidential service available 24/7 nationwide. Survivors, family, friends and partners questioning their own behavior can connect with StrongHearts advocates who provide support and advocacy.
Don’t Call The Police Directory
This online directory connects people to local resources available as alternatives to calling the police or 911. Involving law enforcement in situations that they are not best equipped to handle can cause more harm than good. These harms disproportionately impact communities of color and the populations most in need of systemic and community supports.
Portraiture Credits
The Empress
Jonathan Meza.
Instagram: @Jmeza.snaps
The Lover
Rodnae Productions
Instagram: @Rodnae.prod
Jefferson Lucena
Formerly on Pexels.com
The Hermit
Marlon Schmeiski
Instagram: @Marlonretratos
The Hanged Man
Icaro Mendes
Instagram: @Imgfotografias
Kamaji Ogino
Pexels: @Kamaji-ogino
Cottonbro Studio
Instagram: @Cottonbro
The Devil
Rikki Matsumoto
Pexels: @Rikki
The Sun
Cottonbro Studio
Instagram: @Cottonbro
The World
Anna Shvets
Instagram: @Sh.vetss
This project would not have been possible without my chosen family supporting me every step of the way and through so many stages of my own healing journey. Isabella, Elli, Clay, Aidn, Cal, Rowan, Alyssa: you each remind me that home is in the gardens we grow. You remind me that a world without this type of violence is possible and the seeds for it are in each of our hands just waiting to be planted. Each of you, along with the many things you have taught me and inspired in me, are embedded throughout this collection alongside the survivors themselves. I love you each fiercely.
Though they will not be able to read this acknowledgement, thank you to the many dogs in my life who have been central to feeling at home in this world. Particularly Pippin, my service dog, who reminds me of the healing power of companionship and unconditional love; and Chestnut, my partner's dog, who contains all the energy of the sun and radiates it with such abandon.
And most importantly: Thank you to each of the survivors in this project. I am so grateful for your vulnerability and willingness to share such significant parts of your lives with me and with the wider community. I hope that when you remember this project and look at your art, you feel the weave of support from the survivors who have come before us, and the survivors that will come after us. I hope you celebrate your magic as fully as possible and continue to transform this world. You are The Dreamweavers.