The World


At the end of a revolutionary journey, The World offers you a moment to truly take in all that you have become and all that you have learned in the process of becoming.

She asks that you rest here, in this fluid, temporal space between endings and new beginnings, and allow yourself to receive the sanctuary of your own being.

The World brings the knowledge that to everything, there is a season. There are seasons of learning and unlearning; there are seasons of surrender and seasons of resistance; there are seasons of connection and seasons of isolation; there are seasons of growth and seasons of stagnancy; there are seasons of grief and seasons of hope. The World sees that despite the appearance of polarity among these seasons, each one offers something vital which she has the power to embody.

In embodying the seasons, she has found that underneath it all, the ebbs and flows of life reveal one true constant: change. Change, whether fast like a tidal wave or slow like a trickling stream, shapes us and those around us. It ripples out like a pebble dropped in still water. The World has come to embody this fundamental truth through integration. As the effects of the seasons ripple out beyond her perception, she stills herself to find her path forward.

If The World has come into your life, it is time to understand that your journey begins and ends here: in a season of immense power. It is time to realize you have the capacity to transform each and every moment given to you with an array of tools only you contain. It is time to come home to yourself in reverent celebration, for at long last, you can do more than survive the seasons. You can thrive in a world you co-created for you and for me.


The Sun

