The Sun

The Sun will not dim their light just for you.
Rooted as the centre of their universe, The Sun is shameless in their sense of wholeness; no longer willing to become a pyre for the nourishment of others at the expense of themself. The Sun does not compromise their authentic needs just to make things work. They rightly recognize that sacrifice without purpose is destructive, and choose to tend to their inner flame with a sense of devotion. Burning brightly, they allow their flame to disintegrate that which limits their felt sense of security and expansion.
The Sun knows their energy, love, and attention are a decadent treasure that they deserve to adorn themself with. That is not to say that The Sun does not see the value in enriching others with their gifts, but rather that they have come to understand they are deserving of their own magic first. In the power of their own presence, The Sun is regenerated and renewed; able to cast an enduring light on the world that exists around them as the centre point. From this light, The Sun illuminates the spaces within us that need tending and transmuting; becoming both a beacon and companion in the journey of living from a place of self-connection and interdependence.
The Sun embraces their inner multitudes and invites you to live from a place of belonging to yourself just as you are. They remind you that there is nothing wrong with your natural rhythm. There is no shame in living as the centre of your life. In fact, in living this way The Sun knows that they create the space for true intimacy to emerge. A type of intimacy that does not ask us to forsake our authenticity for survival. A type of intimacy that allows for us to be seen and known as full, complex beings worthy of our deepest desires.
The Sun has come to remind you to cherish the magic of your radiance, for it is needed in this world.