

Becoming resilient was not a choice Strength made for themself.

Given too much to carry too soon, Strength learned to survive in silence and shame for the comfort of those around them. With no place to speak or steady shoulder to lean on, they learned to hold their truth close to their core. They shielded themself away from those that could not embrace their struggle with their imagination. They envisioned building an inner fortress for their dreams and their burdens out of every scrap of hope they could gather. They held themself together with the mere promise of tomorrow.

But this level of endurance was never meant to be sustained. Nor were their burdens meant to be contained within an isolated fortress. Unable to continue an impossible cycle, Strength learned to fall apart in plain sight. Among the wreckage of what they thought was resilience, they found agony and fear that needed gentle tending. In the ruins of their shame, they found their innate capacity for (self)compassion. In the wake of chaos and destruction, they found profound acceptance. In having the courage to fall apart, Strength discovered trust in their ability to put themself back together.

Strength offers you the wisdom of unburdening. You need not cling to beliefs and emotions that keep you confined, small, and palatable solely because you are afraid of what lies ahead of you. You need not deny yourself the space to come undone because you were made to hold the shame of another. You need not fear the power of your own witnessing solely because you have never been fully witnessed by another. Resilience is not your ability to endure, but your ability to meet yourself with love. To lay your burdens down is to choose a new story.

If Strength has come in to your life, it is time allow things to come undone and find true sanctuary in the ruins. When you imagine a life unburdened, what does it look like? What does it feel like? You have the power and gentleness necessary to bring that vision to reality.


The Lover


The Hermit