Welcome To:
The Dreamweavers
June 2023 Collection
Existing in the realm between folklore, myth, and our embodied realities The Dreamweavers is the culmination of 42 hours of interviews with queer, trans, and Two Spirit survivors of abuse, sexual violence, and relationship violence about their healing journeys and relationship to themselves. These stories were then collaboratively transformed into tarot cards using imagery and portraiture that is personally significant and emblematic of each survivors’ experience, identity, and insight.
As you move through the exhibition, you are invited to ask your tarot deck about your relationship to the questions and themes presented. For those viewing on their mobile phones, make sure to click each art piece to navigate to the survivor story pages.
The Altars
The 2023 Dreamweavers Collection was made possible by:
Bloom Local is a project that centers and celebrates LGBTQ+ creativity in the Pioneer Valley.
We partner with local LGBTQ+-identifying and -allied artists, small business owners, and nonprofit leaders to produce events and digital platforms that amplify the voices and creative expressions of the LGBTQ+ community. We believe that when we honor LGBTQ+ people and stories, we create more possibility for a world where everyone feels safe, loved, and respected.
A community of healing, empowerment, & activism.
Survivor Arts Collective is a peer, trans and queer led collective. Offering art based support groups and peer counseling for all survivors. Trauma informed care, bystander intervention, and transformative justice community education training, as well as our grassroots community mutual aid and care network.
To learn more, visit the Survivor Arts Collective website.
Engaging with community can take many forms— it could be permanent or transient. Creative projects can be a powerful way to engage with ideas of community, and with communities. Community-engaged projects can be a way to share the values, voice, or creative practices of a specific community with a wider audience.
We believe in questioning what traditional public art looks like and how it functions. We value surprise and delight and the ability of art to shift perceptions of the world around us. We know each community is different, and artwork can be an important way to question ownership of space and identity. Strong, equitable, community-engaged creative work is often made by and with a community.
We prioritize funding and supporting work by those who historically have had less access to arts funding. This includes individual artists who identify as Black, Indigenous or People of Color as well as self-taught creatives and those working in less-recognized art forms whose creative work might not be supported elsewhere.
To learn more visit the Community Engagement website.
The Mass Cultural Council works to elevate our rich cultural life in Massachusetts. We partner with communities across the Commonwealth to expand access, improve education, promote diversity, and encourage excellence in the arts, humanities, and sciences. Through our efforts, we make our state a better place to live, work, and visit for everyone.
To learn more, visit the Mass Cultural Council website.
The Northampton Arts Council works to support and nurture the arts in the city of Northampton. The Council awards grants twice yearly to artists and arts groups from state and locally-raised funds and seeks to improve public awareness of the arts. Its goals include maintaining and preserving Northampton's rich and diverse cultural heritage, programming annual events of interest to the community.
The Northampton Arts Council believes that art is for everyone. We strive to produce, support, and sustain arts and cultural initiatives that uphold all people—including but not limited to those who have been historically marginalized based on race/ethnicity, age, disability, sexual orientation, gender identity, neurodiversity, socioeconomic status, geography, citizenship status, or religion. We affirm the need to redress historical inequities in the arts and cultural sector and commit to supporting equitable and inclusive practices through all aspects of our work.
To learn more, visit the Northampton Arts Council website.